Copper Water Bottle 750ml
According to Ayurvedic practices, water stored in a copper pitcher has the ability to positively charge the water and is known as ‘tamara jal’. It is believed that this water can help balance all three Doshas- Kapha, Vata, and Pitta.
It is thought that by storing water in copper it can help the digestive system perform better, aid in weight loss, help heal wounds faster, slow down aging, help to maintain cardiovascular health, kill bacteria, promote skin health, and help to maintain a healthy brain. This essential trace mineral is absolutely crucial for human health providing antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties.
Another important reason to use copper for drinking is that many materials such as glass (certain kinds), ceramics and china can have high levels of heavy metals and toxins.Acidic drinks should be avoided with Copper and most materials other than borosilicate glass. Copper is a clean, healthy and safe alternative that has been used for hundreds of years as a vessel for cooking and healing.
- Antibacterial, antiviral, anti inflammatory, anti carcinogenic
- Helps digestive system
- Improves skin, hair and nail health
- Helps to maintain healthy iron levels in the body
- Immune boosting
- Helps to maintain brain health
- Balances the doshas